A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy? – Albert Einstein
All original material on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
You are free to:
Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work in classrooms, schools, workshops, resources for websites.
Remix — to adapt the work; any way you see fit.
Under the following conditions:
- Do not sell these lessons or make a profit on them in any way without written permission
- Attribute the original source, and do not change the copyright footer on the pdf files.
- Do not claim these lessons as your own work.
If you make significant changes, and don't mind, send it to me and I'll post it crediting you.
Link to any page or file on this site to a website, blog, or wiki.
Please do not download science-class.net files and re-upload to your website. I make changes to files as needed, and the most up-to-date version is always on this site. I have no problem with links directly to files on this site.
Please do NOT:
Download science-class.net files and re-upload to your website or to any other sites. including social media.
Do you sell your stuff on Teachers Pay Teachers? (Or similar sites?)
No. Everything I make is for myself or colleagues. I don't sell, I share.
I am not in the business of publication.
Because I create for use, not sales, the material on science-class.net does not have extensive instructions, teacher notes, or answer keys.
It is also not as “cute” as items for purchase in other places.
I design for practical use, not marketing.
I assume professional educators are using the resources on this site, and do not need or want lots of color or “fluff.”
Unless color is necessary for the activity, material created for student use is in black & white for ease in printing.
Everything on this site is however, absolutely free for anyone who wants it.
Are the lessons and activites aligned to NGSS or state standards?
That depends on how the lesson or activity is implemented in your classroom. The resources cover the content and topics in the Disciplinary Core Ideas of the NGSS, the TEKS, and other state standards. Whether or not they meet the actual intent of any particular standard often depends on how a teacher uses it in a classroom.
I am hesitant to state that the resources are aligned simply because meeting a standard involves much more than matching content or topics. Making sure the content is presented in a way that allows students to interact with the content at the level or in the manner required by student performance expectations or knowledge and skills statements requires teacher guidance. I share materials with professionals, I don't write to tell teachers how to teach.
Do you have answer sheets?
No. Since I create the lessons and activities for myself, I don't need them. Occasionally I include a note or two for teachers, but the materials on this site is pretty much just student sheets. Furthermore, since I use much of this material in my classes, I don't want my students Googling and finding the answers. See question above.
Do you take special requests for lessons?
If I can. It's always a time issue and I can't promise to be able to provide material within a given timeline.
Do you do workshops or provide professional development for schools or districts?
Sometimes. Again, it's a time issue. I do enjoy working with other teachers.
How do I advertise or get my product mentioned on your site?
All of the advertising on this site is done through Google Adsense I use it because I control the number, size and placement of ads. I will, on occasion, advertise for other organizations.
I am open to other advertisments, but I am extremely selective about what I allow on this site.
Any product mentioned in context on a page is one I have used myself. Mentions of this type are not advertisements; they are testimonials.
Do you do link exchanges with other websites?
Sure. However, the link must fit within the scope of this site.
It must be useful to teachers of science and it must have a natural place on one of the pages on this site.
What did you use to build this website?
I use Macromedia Dreamweaver as my exclusive webpage builder / editor.
The site itself is hosted by IX WebHosting. They have the BEST technical support I have ever used.
What about the graphics on this site or your resources?
Some I made myself. Most graphics are either purchased by me and I own it or comes from clker.com My favorite artists there are Ocal and Mohamed Ibrahim. I sometimes use Wikimedia commons as well.
The icons for linking to social media came from this talented artist: Elegant Themes
Some graphic resources are purchased from ©BrownCow Creatives {www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Emily-Brown}
How can I get in touch with you?
I used to have an email just for this site. However, the amount of spam I received was ridiculous. I've changed the address a couple of times, but having an email address on the open web is an invitation to junk mail. However, I can be messaged through my social media pages. Links are in the upper right corner of each page.
Who are you?
Find my resume here.