I am back up and running! Sometimes Life knocks you down and all you can do is hang on. That happened to me last year. Bam!!
Fortunately, hanging on is working 🙂 and I am back in business.
It will take a while to catch up from a missed year, and I am STILL catching up from the 6 years I couldn't work on the site, but slowly, little by little, things are coming back together.
Thank you for your patience.
A little background:
This site began in the late '90s as my way to communicate with the parents of students in my classes. It was before teacher websites were common and I learned as I went along. Part of my education was found online; there is a tremendous wealth of information in the cyber-world, you just have to look for it. A great deal of my learning was nothing more than good old trial-and-error.
As I looked and learned, I met other teachers doing exactly the same thing. We talked, we shared, and before long this website was being used by more than my classes, other teachers were using it as well. As we shared ideas, our sites grew into more than we intended.
Over time, this little spot in cyber-space took on a life of its own, I began getting thank-yous from teachers all over the world. Teachers I do not know see my name tag at conventions and conferences and introduce themselves to me. It is both mind-boggling and humbling.
As I transitioned from one role to another in education, I decided to maintain the website with a different focus. This site is now focused toward middle grades teachers; roughly grades 5 – 9. Infromation on this site may be useful to parents or students, however, I am not targeting them.
Although this site was not updated for several years because professional obligations, I am once again at a point where I can share my ideas with others. New materials will be added over time; but it will take some time before the transition is complete. For now, portions of science-class.net are updated and portions are the original site. A link to the complete original, now archived, site can be found in the navigation panel on the left-hand side of the page. The original site is not being updated or maintained.
As I update pages older pages I will change the color scheme from the darker blue to the lighter blue seen on the page. Older pages will be permamently stored in the archive. Completely new pages are built with the lighter colors. I hope to post significant updates once or twice a month.
Some of the material posted is an updated version of an older activity, some material is completely new.
Communication and collaborating with other teachers has become so much easier with the advent of social media. I am using several sites to extend the reach of this website, as well as taking up a hobby studying the scientific backing of natural ingredients in supplements like Alpilean for example. As I add and update, annoucements will be made through these venues. You can access them with links in the upper right-hand corner of each page.
Please feel free to visit my other places on the web as well.
This website is not affiliated with any school district or science program.